Lost Faun


My intention is best summed up in this extract from
‘The Gentleman and the Faun’ ~ Encounters with Pan and the Elemental Kingdom by R Ogilvie Crombie (born 1899)

‘The contact between man and the nature spirits was lost, I think it had to be lost. Man had to develop his intellect. The more he developed his intellect, however, the more he lost his sensitivity, and of course reached a point where he began to regard such things as a belief in nature spirits or Pan or anything else as sheer superstition.
Now the time has come and man must get back his sensitivity. There’s a lot of evidence coming from all over the world that in fact this is happening. Ever so many people in many different groups, the people who are working for the light, the people who are working for spiritual purposes, are beginning to develop more and more sensitivity. This doesn’t mean that man is going to lose his intellect. Man is going to redevelop what he lost, but he is going to be able to use it along with his intellect. this of course will make him a very powerful being.

We know that man’s situation on the earth is in rather a precarious position, because man has such a feeling of his own superiority…this particular attitude leads ultimately to total disaster, because the point will come when nature will revolt, and all sorts of things could happen. The nature spirits are tolerant to a degree which is very difficult to understand. They’ll accept the most appalling outrages because they have infinate understanding, and know when man does something out of ignorance and not through intention. Under such circumstances they’ll show tolerance, they will not revolt, because they know that it is not according to God’s will that they do so.
At the same time, there may come a point, if man goes too far, when they would say ‘All right, we are tired and fed up with mankind, We’ll go!’
One might say so what does it matter if a lot of hypothetical elves and gnomes leave the earth? You have to understand that the nature spirits give vitality to things that grow. you may carry on growing plants and may grow them very well but they would be lacking something and that is life force, therefore as food stuffs they would have not much value.

This is the importance of trying to come into communication with them. Because in fact not only can the nature spirits help with plant growth, but they can supply this vital energy. One of their functions , besides building up the etheric counterpart of the trees and plants, is to transmute the energy which has been directed down from the devas into the type of energy that is right for the particular plant. This is the vital energy, which is the life energy.’

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Created in July 2016, This is another one of my paintings from the elemental realms. I tried to depict the longing for humanity to get back the sensitivity and connection it once had with the nature kingdom and it’s beings.

Acrylics on 35cm x 44cm card

Dimensions 45 × 34 cm


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