Lady Dryad (NOW SOLD)


This piece represents a state of divine wildness and abandonment to the natural rhythms, an aspect of the Goddess in her primal state.
We feel her touch upon us as we communicate with nature.
In moments of wordless rapture when we are dancing, singing, playing music or making art. She is standing there at the edge of the forest, smiling slightly, drawing us deeper. Her hair is braided and flowing with wish ribbons, her scent is that of green leaves and earth. Her horns represent the process of renewal and regrowth, they are also a physical manifestation of her intuitive animal powers. She is imbued with a sensuality as wild and mysterious as the sunlight groves of the ancient forest. She whispers that there is a mystery for us to find in each moment, that we should listen to the Earth, the trees, the very grass. All forces are to be felt to make life ONE again.

Created in Dec 2015

A lovely detailed original in acrylics on 30.5cm x 40cm 240gsm canvas paper.

Dimensions 40 × 30 cm


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