I was there at the beginning


A possible representation of the Soul within the cave of creation.

I knew that my Soul stood by me, and he and I went forth together: and I also knew the visible images of those things which we only know by name were about to be manifest to me. When I gazed into the eyes of my Soul, I felt that I saw into the depths of my own spirit, shadow meeting shadow.
Then my Soul first spoke and said unto me…
‘Thou hast looked upon me, and thou knowest me well, for in me thou but seest thyself, not hidden or obscured by the cruel veil of flesh. I am come forth of thee for thy well-doing, therefore see to it that thou do me no injury. By me shalt thou attain unto the end I know thou seekest, for he whom we go forth to find may only in his fullness be manifested by my aid; for when he appears to those who, with dimmed eyes, grope in the waking darkness of the world, I am put aside and he is not fully known. By me alone shalt thou behold him as he absolutely is; but in visions shall he be seen of thee many times before his full light be shed upon thee, and thy spirit shall be chastened and saddened because of them, but it shall not utterly faint.
Look upon me, and I will support thee, and in thy need I will bare thee up. Looking upon me thou shalt read thine inmost self, as upon a scroll, and in my aspect shall thy spirit be made clear.’

Extract from A Vision of Love Revealed in Sleep by Simeon Solomon.

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Created in Oct 2015A using pastels and gold paint on 210gsm black paper.


Dimensions 42 × 30 cm


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